Kitchen Hood - Fire Supression Systems
These systems use our unique patented linear detection tubing which is installed throughout the panels and cableways. This tubing can not only quickly and accurately detect a fire but also suppress it before it can damage adjacent components. The fire suppression panel monitors and controls every fire protection module, sensor and every fire detection device. Modern suppression system control systems generate highly detailed, accurate information and can communicate directly with the detection control panel.
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Being in this field for more than 27years, we have been exposed to supply erection and maintenance of Fire hydrant, Fire alarm,Gas suppression & Public addressing systems and have groomed extremely skilled work force also. We have enlisted in Government and Public sector organizations which includes CPWD, BSNL, PWD and Military Engineering Service (Kochi), Cochin Shipyard etc are few among them and we are enlisted for the work up to 10crore in CPWD.